The Human Resource Development and Management Directorate is responsible for the development of the Human resource development and management policies, plans and programmes to ensure that the sector has the right human resource capacity to implement and execute within the sector and its sub-sector agenda.
Specifically the Directorate is responsible for;
• Assisting in the determination of appropriate sectoral manpower levels consistent with the overall operational requirements of the sector.
• Carry out sector Human Resource Planning and Development Audit to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the plans and development processes to achieve sector policy goals and targets.
• Develop effective sector Human Resource Planning and Development Policies, Strategies and Administration.
• Effective management and administration of the Ministry’s and sector Training Institutes.
• Establishing and maintaining systems and procedures for planning and developing human resource requirements for the sector.
• Determining training needs and requisite skills-mix of the different categories of employees needed to accelerate the sector development goals and the development of appropriate financing plans.
• Compiling and updating records of the training history of the manpower in the sector.
• Instituting measures to provide inter-linkages between sectoral plans and those of the implementing departments, agencies and enterprises relating to training and manpower development for their optimum utilization.